

Integrating Mindfulness in everything we do
Mindfulness = Meditation
Equanimity (More about that Later) Read on...

Meditation is all about finding that inner zen we're all craving. Life's a bit of a rollercoaster, right? We've got those days where everything's a bit too much, and suddenly, we're sharing our storm cloud with everyone around us. Not exactly the vibe we want to spread.

Vipassana Meditation - you may of heard the word in Yoga, which happens when we lay back on our mat and look up at the ceiling.

It simply means "watching reality as it flows", no mantras, no finding the 'perfect' quiet spot to zen out. Its actually the easiest form of mindfulness. 

Just close your eyes and sit, listening to the world around you, feeling the wind, smelling the air, noticing how you are sitting, being aware of your surroundings.

Sounds easy? Well the real klincher here is to just sit, breathe and listen, while your thoughts flow through you....not blocking any, not pushing them away.

kind of simple isnt it? Even difficult thoughts, anger, joy, love, unconditional love flowing

All thoughts are like clouds in a blue sky, they materialize, sometimes they stay for a long time, some fabulous thoughts dissipate too quickly. Thats the nature of Vipassana.

So....some meditations will seem horrible and last forever, and others will be easy breezy and over too quickly, even though both times might be 10 minutes.

Give it a try. Remember, just sit....bus-stop, cushy cushion in a fabulous spa, laying in bed, walking along a nature path, deep in the heart of a New Delhi street with all the hustle and bustle.....anywhere is the perfect place.

If its hard...your pushing

if its great, you will wish it stays longer - thats grasping

Neutral observation is the key. You may of heard the word, "equanimity" staying the observer. 


